May 6, 2024

Alerting Migration Tool for FireHydrant, Suggested Incidents, and more!

Alerting Migration Tool

Signals Migrator Smaller Screenshot

We've released and open-sourced an application to import your Users, Teams, and/or Services from existing alerting providers to FireHydrant's Signals platform!

After picking which elements to import, we will generate a Terraform file for you which you can tf apply or you can combine it with your existing Terraform configurations.

To learn more, visit the blog post.

Summary Backfill, Suggested Incidents, and Auto-Generation

Suggested Incidents

We've been hard at work teaching our AI copilot how to be more useful to incident responders, and now it's got a variety of new capabilities!

First, we ran a backfill on all historical incidents on our system - every incident (unless you disabled AI) now has a summary generated for it and is available to anyone who visits the incident in the UI or the Slack channel, if it still exists.

You may have noticed a sneaky addition to the Command Center, but a couple weeks ago, we added a "Suggested Incidents" section to the Details panel, which automatically populates based on what the AI copilot thinks are the most relevant incidents. These suggestions will now also be posted into the Slack channel (along with a snooze button if you don't need 'em anymore). This individual feature can be turned on/off in Settings > AI > Related Incidents (requires Owner permissions).

The copilot compares a variety of factors, including incident status updates, chat messages, roles and teams assigned, and more. If you have thoughts or comments, keep delivering the feedback so we can continue to refine!

Other Fixes and Improvements

  • 💅 We revamped the Jira integration settings project table. Now you'll see in the table whether incident tickets and follow-ups have been configured for each project
  • 💅 We also revamped the connection health styling in your integrations, so all warnings or other messages are organized neatly in a table now, improving legibility
  • 💅 You can now filter and search for specific values on single-select and multi-select dropdown questions in Lessons Learned
  • 🐛 We fixed an issue that was causing only the first two members of a team when choosing a team to assign to an incident in Slack. We now properly show the entire team and all of their roles, if role assignments exist.
  • 🐛 The conditions dropdown menu in Jira field mapping was previously cut off in the side drawer and this has been fixed
  • 🐛 We fixed an issue where some users with Collaborator permissions were unable to send Signals alerts. This has been fixed so all Signals users can now send alerts.
  • 🐛 There was an issue where users couldn't change a custom field mid-incident if it was required at declaration. This has been addressed and custom fields should be editable, they just cannot be cleared if they're a required field
  • 🐛 We fixed a minor misalignment of the Signals icon on the Incidents list page

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